A Day for Love (Monsters)
Every online journal I’ve had shares a similar post about Valentine’s Day.
About time this one followed suit.
Each year, I hear people say they don’t celebrate Valentine’s. Their reasons are typically one, it was started to sell greeting cards, or two, you shouldn’t need a day to celebrate love.
Here’s another take.
You don’t need to wait for the holidays to give gifts, eat candy, or play dress up, but many of us celebrate holidays where giving gifts, eating candy, and playing dress up are a big part. So why should love be any different?
Show some heart every day, and when Valentine’s comes around, consider showing it again and showing it more. And regardless of how it started (I believe the aforementioned beginning is a myth) or even if it’s become commercialized, you don’t have to spend money to express nice sentiments for another. Do it however feels best to you. Remember, there are worse things to celebrate in the world than a day of love—and it’s even more beautiful to think that millions might be celebrating it at the same time. Imagine what the world might be like, if we celebrated love together a little more often.
With that, I leave you with a monster doodle of love that cost nothing and was fun to make. We’ll call him Heartmouth, and he hopes you’ll join him in wishing others a Happy Valentine’s.